In 2013, the cold/flu and allergy relief remedies market benefited from increases in product launch activity and marketing activity. Going forward, brands could look to more specifically target the key young adult demographic, who are the most likely to suffer from cold/flu and allergy-based ailments, as well as encouraging people in general to prepare ahead of both cold/flu and hayfever seasons, stocking up on products in advance.
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Table of Content
Consumer research
Executive Summary
The market
Figure 1: Best- and worst-case forecast of UK retail value sales of cough, cold and flu relief, medicated confectionery and allergy remedies, 2008-18
Market factors
Companies, brands and innovation
Figure 2: New product launches in the decongestive, cough, cold and flu relief, medicated confectionery and allergy relief remedies market, by sub-category, 2009-13
Young adults most likely to be affected by cold and flu ailments
Nearly three quarters seek OTC remedies for cough/sore throat
Figure 3: Treatments sought for cough/sore throat, cold and flu, November 2013
A quarter of allergy sufferers view own-label as effective as branded
Figure 4: Attitudes and behaviours related to allergies, November 2013
Consumers focus on preventing themselves from becoming ill
Figure 5: Behaviours during cold/flu season, November 2013
What we think
Issues and Insights
Cold/flu brands could further target Millennials
The facts
The implications
Hayfever sales reliant on weather
The facts
The implications
Trend Application
Trend: Transumers
Trend: Influentials
Mintel futures trend: Generation Next
Market Drivers
Key points
Rise in population of 25-34s will boost the market
Figure 6: Trends in the age structure of the UK population, 2008-18
One-person households offer opportunities for product innovations
Figure 7: UK households, by size, 2008-18
Rise in employment
Figure 8: Employment and unemployment, by gender, 2008-18
Colder winter in 2013
Figure 9: Mean annual temperatures and rainfall, winter (December-February), 2000-13
High pollen levels of 2013
Figure 10: Mean annual temperatures and rainfall, summer (June-August), 2000-13
Alcohol worsens hayfever symptoms
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Who’s Innovating?
Key points
Increase in product launch activity in 2013
Figure 11: New product launches in the decongestive, cough, cold and flu relief, medicated confectionery and allergy relief remedies market, by sub-category, 2009-13
Figure 12: Examples of new product launches in the cold/flu category (including medicated confectionery), 2013
Figure 13: Examples of new allergy products launched in 2013
Figure 14: Examples of powder- and liquid-based cold and flu remedies, 2013
Growth in own-label
Figure 15: New product launches in the decongestive, cough, cold and flu relief, medicated confectionery and allergy relief remedies market, brands vs own-label, 2012 and 2013
Launches dependent on the season
Figure 16: Index of product launches in the decongestive, cough, cold and flu relief (excluding medicated confectionery), and allergy relief remedies market, by season, by sub-category, spring/summer 2009-autumn/winter 2013/14
Product launch activity highly fragmented
Figure 17: Product launch activity in the decongestive, cough, cold and flu relief, medicated confectionery and allergy relief remedies market, by top 10 companies, 2009-13
Figure 18: Examples of products launched by Thornton & Ross, repackaged products, 2013
Increase in botanical/herbal claims on cold/flu remedies
Figure 19: Decongestive, cough, cold and flu relief and medicated confectionery product launches, by top five claims, 2009-13
Figure 20: Product launches with botanical/herbal claims, 2013-14
Figure 21: Examples of medicated confectionery products launched carrying low/no/reduced sugar claims, 2013
Rise in fragrance-free in allergy relief
Figure 22: Allergy relief product launches, by claims, 2009-13
Market Size and Forecast
Key points
Strong growth in last two years
Figure 23: Value sales of cough, cold and flu relief, medicated confectionery and allergy remedies, 2008-18
Slow and steady growth
Figure 24: Best- and worst-case forecast of UK retail value sales of cough, cold and flu relief, medicated confectionery and allergy remedies, 2008-18
Forecast methodology
Segment Performance
Key points
Allergy remedies see the biggest rise
Figure 25: Consumer spending in the cough, cold, flu and allergy remedies, by segment, 2012 and 2013
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Market Share
Key points
Decongestants boosted by hayfever sufferers
Figure 26: Retail value sales of cold, flu and decongestant remedies, by brand, 2012 and 2013
Advertising campaigns drive sales of medicated confectionery brands
Figure 27: Retail value sales of medicated confectionery, by brand, 2012 and 2013
Small brands see greatest rise in cough liquids segment
Figure 28: Retail value sales of cough liquids, by brand, 2012 and 2013
Allergy remedy brands enjoy growth
Figure 29: Retail value sales of allergy remedies, by brand, 2012 and 2013
Companies and Products
Alliance Boots
Figure 30: Alliance Boots financial performance, 2012 and 2013
Figure 31: GlaxoSmithKline UK Limited financial performance, 2011 and 2012
Figure 32: Examples of new product launches by GlaxoSmithKline in the UK cough, cold, flu and allergy market, January 2013-February 2014
Johnson & Johnson
Figure 33: McNeil Healthcare (UK) Limited financial performance, 2011 and 2012
Figure 34: Examples of new product launches by McNeil Consumer Healthcare in the UK cough, cold, flu and allergy market, January 2013-February 2014
Procter & Gamble
Figure 35: Procter & Gamble (Health and Beauty Care) Ltd financial performance, 2011 and 2012
Figure 36: Examples of new product launches by Procter & Gamble in the UK cough, cold, flu and allergy market, January 2013-February 2014
Reckitt Benckiser
Figure 37: Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare (UK) Limited financial performance, 2011 and 2012
Figure 38: Examples of new product launches by Reckitt Benckiser in the UK cough, cold, flu and allergy market, January 2013-February 2014
Brand Communication and Promotion
Key points
Adspend up in 2013
Figure 39: Main media advertising expenditure on cold, flu, decongestant remedies (including medicated confectionery) and allergy relief, 2009-13
Seasonal marketing matches product launch activity
Figure 40: Main media advertising expenditure on cold, flu, decongestant remedies (including medicated confectionery) and allergy relief, by season, spring/summer 2009-autumn/winter 2013/14
Reckitt Benckiser the biggest advertiser
Figure 41: Main media advertising expenditure on cold, flu, decongestant remedies (including medicated confectionery) and allergy relief, % by company, 2009-13
Lemsip accounts for a quarter of cold/flu advertising expenditure
Figure 42: Main media advertising expenditure on cold, flu and decongestant remedies, % by brand, 2013
Allergy relief adspend dominated by branded activity
Figure 43: Main media advertising expenditure on allergy relief remedies, % by brand, 2013
Brand Perceptions and Social Media
Brand perceptions
Key brand metrics
Figure 44: Key brand metrics, January 2014
Brand map
Figure 45: Attitudes towards and usage of brands in the cold, flu and allergy remedy sector, January 2014
Correspondence analysis
Brand attitudes
Figure 46: Attitudes, by cold, flu and allergy remedy brand, January 2014
Brand personality
Figure 47: Cold, flu and allergy remedy brand personality – Macro image, January 2014
Figure 48: Cold, flu and allergy remedy brand personality – Micro image, January 2014
Brand usage
Figure 49: Cold, flu and allergy remedy brand usage, January 2014
Brand experience
Figure 50: Cold, flu and allergy remedy brand experience, January 2014
Social media and online buzz
Social media metrics
Figure 51: Social media metrics of selected cold, flu and allergy remedy brands, January 2014
Online mentions
Figure 52: Online mentions of selected cold, flu and allergy remedy brands, March 2013-February 2014
Figure 53: Mentions around colds, flu and allergies, by week, March 2013-February 2014
Figure 54: Advertising spend of selected cold, flu and allergy remedy brands, March 2011-March 2014
Where discussion on brands is occurring
Figure 55: Media through which selected cold, flu and allergy remedy brands are discussed, March 2013-February 2014
Topics of discussion
Figure 56: Topics of discussion around cold, flu and allergy illness, March 2013-February 2014
Analysis by brand
Figure 57: Topic cloud around mentions of Olbas, March 2013-February 2014
Figure 58: Topic cloud around mentions of Sudafed, March 2014-February 2014
Figure 59: Topic cloud of mentions around Benadryl, March 2013-February 2014
Figure 60: Topic cloud around mentions of Covonia, March 2013-February 2014
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